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We are initiating support, project, and book publication on a contractual basis. Interested clients or customers are welcome to work with us.
Call for Book : E-Book + Print + HTML Page
1. Academic Biography of Odisha's Distinguished Scientist and ProfessorThis book will be accessible from anywhere in the world [ISBN, availability on Amazon, HTML format, Google Scholar indexing, ResearchGate hosting, copyright protection, CCC compliance, open access availability, print and audio formats, paperback format, Google Books availability, Digital 3D Flipbook availability, Google App Store availability, and inclusion in E-Library collections]. Book Processing Charge : Free of Cost (RS: 0.00/-). Anyone can purchase print and digital copies globally. Please submit your book : Email :- booksupport@newredmars.com Date of release : 21/10/2024 ; Last date of submission : 10/12/2024.