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Pricing Table

Pricing Plan for Publication

Book/Book Chapter

All publications follow our terms and conditions and peer review guideline

Rs 10K /Per Publication
  • ISBN
  • Google Schloar
  • HTML page
  • 3 Print Copy
  • Amazon Service
  • Royalty to Author
  • E-book /E-Store/E-Library
  • Google Book
  • Marketing
  • Social Media Link
  • Online Storage Data Base
  • Citation Link
  • Price negotiate based on client requirement

    Contact us , Price may be change according to requirement

Thesis and Modules

All publications follow our terms and conditions and peer review guideline

Rs 6K /Per Publication
  • ISBN
  • Google Schloar
  • HTML page
  • No Print Copy

    As per requirement of client

  • No Amazon Service

    As per requirement of client

  • No Royalty to Author
  • E-book
  • Google Book
  • Protect
  • Social Media Link
  • Online Storage Data Base
  • Citation Link
  • Price negotiate based on client requirement

    Contact us , Price may be change according to requirement

Digital Study Material

Digital platform for more uniqueness and promotion of study materials

Rs 1K /Annual
  • NRME CatLog
  • Digital front page
  • HTML page
  • YouTube
  • Digital Service
  • Royalty to Author
  • E-digital Copy
  • Google SEO
  • Marketing
  • Social Media Link
  • Online Storage Data Base
  • Citation Link
  • Price negotiate based on client requirement

    Contact us , Price may be change according to requirement

Pricing Table

Pricing Plan for Support


Writing and Statistics

Technical support like statistics and language editing with Grammer check as per the requirements of the client

Rs 20K /Per Documents
  • Language Editing (Price may be change)
  • Plagiarism Check less than 10%
  • Grammar Check
  • Statistics Analysis (Price may be change)
  • Graphs and Schematic Diagram
  • Support by Zoom and Google Meet
  • Scientific Designing
  • Power Point Designing
  • 3 Time Correction
  • Price negotiate based on client requirement

    Contact us , Price may be change according to requirement


Meta Data Analysis

Technical support like statistics, meta-analysis and language editing with Grammer check as per the requirements of the client

Rs 40K /Per Documents
  • Literature Review
  • Statistics Analysis (Price may be change)
  • Meta data Analysis
  • Forest Chart and Other Chart
  • Graphs and Schematic Diagram
  • Support by Zoom and Google Meet
  • Language Editing (Price may be change)
  • Grammar Check
  • Power Point Presentation
  • Price negotiate based on client requirement

    Contact us , Price may be change according to requirement

Journal Maintenance

Journal designing and maintenance as per the requirements of the Head of the institution or department.

Rs 2K /Monthly
  • New Scientic Journal Documentation
  • ISSN number Documentation online/Print
  • Website Designing
  • Digital Support
  • Article formatting and Editing
  • Print and Press
  • Social Media Promotion
  • DOI Number Apply
  • Documentation for Indexing

    Contact us , Price may be change according to requirement

  • Price negotiate based on client requirement

    Contact us , Price may be change according to requirement

Pricing Table

Pricing Plan for Research


Major Research Project

Documentation for a major research project as per the requirements of the client and  researcher or professional worker.

Rs 10K /Per Documentation
  • Writing According to Funding Agency Format
  • Plagiarism Check (Less than 15%)
  • Review of Literature
  • Budget Plan Chart
  • Time Line Chart and Designing
  • Power Point Presentation
  • Online Support by Google Meet
  • Report Writing and Documentation
  • Project Designing
  • 3 Time Correction
  • Collaboration for Technical Support

    Contact with us more details

  • Collaboration for Website and Publication

    Contact with us more details

  • Price Negotiate based on client requirement

    Contact with us more details

Survey Report

Documentation of Survey report as per the requirements of the client , Head of the institution or department.

Rs 5K /Per Publication
  • ISBN
  • Google Schloar
  • HTML page
  • One Print Copy
  • Amazon Service

    Contact Us

  • No Royalty to Author
  • E-book
  • Google Book
  • Protect
  • Social Media Link
  • Data Collection Technical Support

    Contact us for more details, this work is project bases

  • Survey Work Designing

    Contact us , this work is project bases

  • Price negotiate based on client requirement

    Contact us , Price may be change according to requirement

Seminar and Conference

Documentation of seminars and conferences as per the requirements of the Head of the institution or department.

Rs 5K /Per Documentation
  • Souvenir Publication with ISBN
  • E-Library Support
  • HTML page
  • YouTube
  • Digital Service
  • Print and Press

    Contact us , Price may be change according to requirement

  • Website Designing and URL page

    Contact us , Price may be change according to requirement

  • Professional Email for Seminar
  • Google Scholar
  • Social Media Link
  • Online Storage Data Base
  • Citation Link
  • Price negotiate based on client requirement

    Contact us , Price may be change according to requirement

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