Hall Effect on the Magnetohydrodynamic Flow of Some Newtonian and Non Newtonian Conducting Fluids
By: Pradeep Kumar Mishra
Authors : Pradeep Kumar Mishra1, Gouri Sankar Roy
At the outset, the author of the book welcomes his supervisor Prof. Prof (Dr.) G. S. Roy who has joined me as coauthors of this text, a credit which would have been given earlier to them as they were helping in a latent way in the evolution of the book for the past five years. Five years have elapsed on the intellectual journey of writing a PhD thesis e-book in title “Hall Effect on the Magnetohydrodynamic Flow of Some Newtonian and Non-Newtonian Conducting Fluids” in subject of physics. As Magnetohydrodynamic Flow is growing at a dazzling pace, this edition has been demanding in a different way. In this 1st edition, the book has been thoroughly described, enlarged and updated with Magnetohydrodynamic Flow. Gratitude is expressed to the students and teachers, both from India and abroad,…