Shantanu Kumar Sahu
The1st first edition of “Advanced Environmental Science and Disaster Management” is now presented for the teachers and students of Odisha. This book has written as per the instructions of the CBCS From UGC, the curriculum of +3 Arts, Science & Commerce, Environmental science & engineering (As per CBCS Syllabus ) .
Cite : S.K Sahu “Advanced Environmental Science and Disaster Management ” Newredmars Education , 2025, 1-285, ISBN: 978-93-93620-80-4
- ISBN:978-93-93620-80-4
- DOI : http://doi.org/: 10.28921/nrme.book.AESDM.1.2025
- URL: https://newredmars.com/books/advanced-environmental-science-and-disaster-management/
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