B. Rath ; S K Nayak; S K Sahu;G Dhangadamajhi; G Dora; R Pradhan
Alumni Meet 2025
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- ISBN:978-93-93620-74-3
- DOI : http://doi.org/: 10.28921/nrme.book.AM2025.1.247
- URL: https://newredmars.com/books/alumni meet 2025/
- Get rights and content (Copyright): https://www.copyright.com
Cite :
Rath, Biswajit ; Nayak, S K; Sahu, S.K; Dhangadamajhi, G; Dora, G; Pradhan,R “alumni meet 2025” Newredmars Education , 2025, 1-303, ISBN: 978-93-93620-XXX
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